Ароматът в чашата бе приятен, стафиден, шери и ванилов. Искаше ми се да си поиграя още с него, но тъй като около мен някой запали цигара и тъй като бях в заведение осуетих опитите си. Вкусът е мек и сладък, маслен, леко меден. Налични са нотки ванилия и карамел, отново шери присъствие, съчетано със сушени плодове. Послевкусът е със сравнително кратка продължителност. Сладникав, маслен сладкиш, меден и карамелен, като изпъкват нотките бърбън, резонно следствие от частичното отлежаване в бърбън бъчви.
Въздържам се от оценка предвид споменатите по-горе пречки. Димът от цигарите унищожава красотата на аромата на уискито и разваля и вкуса му. Въпреки това засега оценката я виждам в диапазона 85-86/100.
В обобщение: приятен бленд, пасващ както за всекидневна употреба, така и за поделяне с приятели. 🙂
Tullamore Dew 12 y.o. whiskey
First documented contact with a product from the Tullamore Dew line. I decided it should be 12-year-old distillate, as the review of the standard one could wait. I guess that the product is known to most of us, so I decided to skip it.
The distillery was founded in 1829 in the small town of Tullamore by Michael Molloy and it initially produced pot still whiskey. After his death, the distillery passed into the hands of the Daly family. As a General Manager of the company was appointed Daniel E. Williams, from whose initials the well known „D. E. W.“ derives. This same Williams brought the electricity to Tullamore and because of the distillery there were installed the town’s first telephones. Williams was a perspicacious man and helped the affirmation of the brand. However, the early years of the 20th century weren’t exactly the best for the Irish whiskey. The moratorium imposed by England after the Independence, the introduction of Prohibition in the United States /until then, a big market for the Irish whiskey, taking into account the millions Irish immigrants/ and World War II had a strong negative influence on the demand and supply of Irish whiskey. Unlike the Scotch, the Irish goody could not have been imported and smuggled through Canada in the US /or at least the activity was very limited/. After the War Desmond Williams, grandson of Daniel E. Williams, started a struggle for returning the old glory of the company. Under his influence on the market appeared the „Irish Mist“ liqueur. Desmond also saw an opportunity to advertise the Irish whiskey by the promotion of so-called „Irish coffee“. In 1953 the brand was sold to Powers and the Tullamore distillery was moved in Midleton. In 2010 the company was purchased by Grant`s, which recently opened a new distillery in the town of Tullamore and on this occasion they released on the market Tullamore Dew Phoenix whiskey, which is already available on our market too.
And after so many facts I’m heading to the review lines.
The aroma in the glass was pleasant, raisin, sherry and vanilla. I wanted to play a bit more with it, but as I was in a bar, someone around me lit a cigarette and frustrate my attempts. The taste is soft and sweet, buttery, slightly honey. Available are vanilla notes and caramel, sherry presence again, combined with dried fruits. The aftertaste is relatively short. Sweetish, butter cake, honey and caramel, with perceptible bourbon notes, which are reasonable consequence from the partial aging in bourbon barrels.
I restrain myself from assessment, taking into account the above mentioned obstacles. The cigarette smoke destroys the beauty of the whiskey aroma and spoils its taste. However, now I see the assessment in the range of 85-86/100. Nice blend, suitable for everyday use and for sharing with friends. 🙂