Марката „Tyrconnell“ възниква в края на 18-ти век. Първоначално е собственост на „Watt Distillery“, а впоследствие е придобита от „Cooley Distillery“, която от своя страна е закупена преди няколко години от “ Beam Inc.“. Тирконел се наричал конят на фамилията Watt, спечелил състезание при залози 100:1, което вдъхновило фамилията за го въздигнат в символ на марката, поставяйки го на етикета.

Tyrconnell single malt.

Наздраве и умната! 🙂
П.С. От дистанцията на времето и опита бих определил тази си статия като доста постна. Писана е преди повече от две години /настоящата редакция е от юли 2016г./ и е редно да се върна към тези дестилати и да ги подложа на по-задълбочено изследване.
Tyrconnell irish whiskey – the malt stallion
The brand „Tyrconnell“ arised in the late 18th century. Initially owned by „Watt Distillery“ and subsequently acquired by „Cooley Distillery“, which in turn was purchased by the „Beam Inc.“, a few years ago. Tyrconnell was called the Watt family’s racehorse, which won a race with bets 100:1, and this inspired the family to ascend it as a symbol of the brand by placing it on the label.According to uncle Google’s data, the distillery decided to experiment with the available 10-year goody by putting it to finish its maturation in barrels of Sherry, Port and Madeira. In turn, I decided to experiment with the final product. I suggest you to venture with me in this short Irish endeavor.
Tyrconnell single malt.
The color is golden. The aroma is pleasant, unobtrusive and reveals vanilla notes, remained after its its aging in oak barrels. The taste is elegant and at the same time dense, with perceptible shades of sweet and fruits. The aftertaste is honey, wood, comparatively lasting and dry, as can be expected from an Irish whiskey, and it lacks the intrusive scent and aftertaste of peat. For the connoisseurs of smoked malt drinks from the Islay region may turn to be a bit boring, but I liked it. I give it assessment of 4.5 / 6, and if possible I would taste it again.
Tyrconnell single malt 10 y.o. sherry cask.
Its tasting characteristics are similar to those of „green label“. The color reminds me of white port. The aroma is rich – wine, oak, ripe fruit, light caramel and toasted cake. It seemed to me more expressive than that of the whiskey aged in port barrels. The taste is honey, sweet malt – sweetness, remained of once sleeping in the barrels sherry /for which as a kind of fortified wine I should grant its lines/. The aftertaste is expressive, spicy, with hints of brandy, remaining impressions for dryness on the finish. My impressions of this Tyrconnell are positive and I recommend it those who hesitate. Assessment – 4,5/ 6.
Tyrconnell single malt 10 y.o. port cask whiskey.
At the risk of becoming tedious I would describe the color like golden. The aroma is delicate and once again reminds of wood, fruits and cake, notes brandy, vanilla and port. The taste is slightly spicy, leaving the feeling of nuts. The aftertaste is slightly honey with lasting and pleasant finish. Assessment – 4,1/6.In conclusion, I can categorically say that this „Irish“ deserves to be honored in good company or in personal „salutation“. For a price in the range of 30-45 lv. we get a single malt whiskey with nice, distinctive features. Proof of this are the numerous international awards, which the brand has received. Cheers and be reasonable! 🙂