Ароматът е силен, черешов, нотки на сладкиш и карамелизирана захар. Вкусът е парещ и пикантен, като се долавя и масленост, примесена със сладост от череши. Усетих и вече познатия спомен за маслен сладкиш. Първоначално отпих бърбъна без вода и независимо от високия алкохолен градус останах приятно изненадан от пивкия му характер. Послевкусът бе траен, носещ вече споменатата пикантност и сладост на череши, ванилия и сладкиш.
The Catch – Wild Turkey Rare breed straight bourbon
I already had the opportunity to share my impressions of a product by the Wild Turkey Bourbon line. Then I wished sometime to have the opportunity to touch the premium segment of the company, including the „rare breed“ Wild Turkey rare breed. And now my wish come true.
In many articles dedicated to bourbon, this drink was characterized as one of the best whiskies originating in the United States. This, as well as the entirely positive impressions of the company’s eight-year distillate made me to „turn the world upside down“, i.e to find the right place where I can found this „chrism“ and to devote to it. And so I found myself in one of the symbols of whiskey-culture in Sofia, on which will devote a separate article, and on the whose shelf above my head I managed to find the cherished bottle. Before I proceed to my short annotation just can’t hide my admiration for the bottle’s exterior. The quality of a product, can certainly be judged and by the form in which is offered. In this case, I refer to the truly unique craftsmanship of the Wild Turkey’s bottle, which brings to my mind very pleasant associations for something old and valuable. And after a few lines devoted to the master-glaziers, comes time for the lines with my notes.
The color of the whiskey is rusty-copper, saturated. Before I share my impressions of aroma and taste, should point out that the distillate is 54% and on the label is marked as „barrel proof“ – in other words, with the alcoholic strength as in the cask. This per se is guarantee for a rich stock of aromatic phenols, which are to be unlocked by the addition of water.
The aroma is strong, cherry, hints of cake and caramelized sugar. The taste is stinging and spicy, with perceptible buttery and mixed with cherry sweetness. I caught and the already known hint for butter cake. Initially, I took a sip of the bourbon without water and despite the high alcohol content I was pleasantly surprised by its mellow character. The aftertaste was lasting, carrying the already mentioned piquancy and cherry sweetness, vanilla and cake.
In conclusion, assessment: 5,4/6. The price varies between 100 and 140 lv. And before to finish this presentation I would like to recommend this bourbon of every whiskey connoisseur, because this is a memorable drink which I’ll taste more and more. 🙂